Log Exact Readings or Average Readings Over Interval

Log Exact Readings or Average Readings Over Interval

Feature Available for FieldLab Desktop versions 1.8.1 and newer, and FieldLab v1.117.003 and newer.


In the Test Modes section, under the Test Modes main heading, create a new Data Logging Test Mode.


Create the Test Mode, under the "Each Point is" input, select "Average over interval"
Note, the logging interval must be at least 10 Seconds for averaging.


Add the Test Mode to the FieldLab and perform the test.

How to Add Test Modes to a FieldLab
How to Sync Test Modes
Activate a Test Mode on your FieldLab Pressure


After the test, view the Data Set. The average pressure of the test will be under the "Average Pressure" list item. It will also be available in the Data Set when imported to the FieldLab Desktop Software.

Import data set on FieldLab Desktop Software.

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