Log pressure and/or temperature data to your computer with FieldLab Desktop

Log pressure and/or temperature data to your computer with FieldLab Desktop

This article applies to the following products:
  1. Field Gauge LC10, all models
  2. Field Gauge LC20, all models
  3. Process Meter LC30, all models
  4. FieldLab Digital Pressure Calibrator, all models.

Things you will need:
  1. A PC running Windows. 
  2. FieldLab Desktop software version or later installed on your PC. Download the latest version for free.
  3. A Ralston Instruments Field Gauge, Process Meter, or FieldLab Digital Pressure Calibrator.
  4. For wired links: Provided USB cord.
  5. For wireless links: A wireless enabled Field Gauge and wireless USB dongle (included with purchase of all Ralston wireless enabled devices).

1. Open FieldLab Desktop on your computer.

2. Power on your Ralston Gauge or Process Meter.

3. Connect your Ralston Gauge to your computer with the provided USB cable or wirelessly.

4. Select Data Logging from the main menu in FieldLab Desktop.

5. Select one or more connected devices. 

In this example we are selecting one LC20 Temperature Gauge, and one LC20 Dual Sensor Field Gauge. We are selecting both the temperature and the pressure sensors for the LC20 dual sensor Field Gauge. 
Based on our selections, our log session will save two temperatures, and one pressure.

6. Select Add to Log Session

Add selected process variables to log session

Optional: Adjust the settings before you start logging

Before you begin your logging session you can adjust the settings for:
  1. Pressure Units - Measure pressure in any universally accepted engineering unit.
  2. Temperature Units - Measure temperature in °F, °C, °R, or K.
  3. Session Duration - You can set your log session to automatically stop after a specified length of time, until a total number of points are logged, or use the default; manual stop.

Optional: Change the Graph View

Note: You can change the graph view any time during the logging session.
Entire Log
Setting the Graph View selection to "Entire Log" will show all the graph data from the time you started logging.
When you select "Scrolling", only the most recent graph data will be shown, and older graph data will scroll off the left side of the screen as time progresses. 
You can use the slider tool at the bottom of the screen to scroll back and view older graph data.

7. Select Start Logging

Once you've confirmed you have the desired settings for the logging session, select Start Logging to begin saving the data from your Field Gauge(s) to your computer.

8. Stop Logging

If you have the Setting for your log session set to Manual Stop, select the Stop Logging button when your session is finished. 
If you specified automated stop rules in the settings before beginning your log session, you will not need to select the Stop Logging button and FieldLab Desktop will stop automatically once the stop criteria you specified is met.

All data from your log sessions is saved to Data Sets. You can go to the Data Sets section of FieldLab Desktop to view and export the data from all of your log sessions.

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