Run a pressure relief valve test, manually log crack and reseat

Run a pressure relief valve test, manually log crack and reseat

Designed for testing valves that require a technician's expertise to determine the exact pressure at which the valve cracks. 

Ideal for scenarios where the crack is determined when the first steady stream, or first continuous flow, of liquid media begins to emerge from the valve.

This features requires FieldLab Desktop version 1.24.0 or later. Download the latest version for free.

This feature requires FieldLab Firmware version 1.123 or later. You can update the firmware on a FieldLab by linking it to FieldLab Desktop software with the provided USB cable. Follow this link for Step-by-step instructions for updating FieldLab Firmware.

Before you can run a Test Mode, you must first Create a PSV/PRV Test Mode and add it to the FieldLab. For instructions, see:


Create a PSV/PRV Test on FieldLab Desktop

On the crack & reseat detection field, be sure to select "Manual Marking of Crack and Reseat." 

Full step-by-step instructions for creating a PSV/PRV Test are here (link will open in a new browser window).


Add the test to your FieldLab

Connect your FieldLab to your computer with a USB cable, or wirelessly, and add the test to it with FieldLab Desktop. For full instructions, see Add Test Modes to a FieldLab.


Make the proper connections.

Make airtight connections between the FieldLab Pressure, a pressure source, and the PSV/PRV.


To Activate the Test Mode, Open the Menu ​by pressing the Menu Button.


Select Test Modes from the Menu


Select and Activate the PSV/PRV Test


Once test mode is activated, select Enter Set Point


Input the set pressure for the PSV/PRV being tested using the on-screen keypad. Once


When you are ready to apply pressure to the valve, select START LOGGING

When you select START LOGGING, the gauge will begin recording the pressure applied to the valve and won't stop recording until you select STOP LOGGING. 


Gradually increase pressure until you detect a crack in the valve.


Select MARK CRACK when you notice the valve has cracked.

When you select MARK CRACK, the FieldLab will save the reading for the valve pressure at the time of the crack.

You can mark the crack as many times as you want during the course of the test, and the FieldLab will save only the last one marked.


Slowly decrease pressure until the valve reseats


Select MARK RESEAT when you see that the valve has reset


Once you have marked the crack and reseat, select STOP LOGGING


Select ACCEPT it if you are satisfied with the results.

Review the data collected. If you are satisfied with the results, select ACCEPT.

You can also select RELOG to delete the results and run the test again.

Repeat the above steps if your Test Mode has more than one crack test.


(Optional) If a Seat Tightness Test is included in this Test Mode, it will start immediately after the crack tests are completed. Increase the pressure to the indicated amount on the screen and press "Start Test".

The gauge will record the pressure applied to the valve for the amount of time that was set up when the PSV/PRV Test was created in FieldLab Desktop.


After the Seat Tightness Test is complete, you will be able to input if the seat test had passed or failed.


After the test is complete, you can review the test results. From here you can VIEW DATA SET to see the full details of your test data, or press OK to return to the main pressure screen.

Once you've completed a test, you can import the Data Sets (test results) to FieldLab Desktop. Instructions for doing so are here: Import Data Sets from FieldLab Pressure to FieldLab Desktop.

Once Data Sets have been imported to FieldLab Desktop, you can export them in .csv format. Instructions for doing so are here: Export Data Sets from FieldLab Desktop.