This features requires FieldLab Desktop 1.24.0 or later. You can update to the latest version from inside the app if you already have it installed, or
download the latest version for free.
Create and Edit a PSV/PRV Test in FieldLab Desktop1. Test Mode Name
Name your test mode. The name you select will help you identify this test on all devices once it is saved.
2. Crack & Reseat Detection
You can select "Auto Detection of Crack and Reseat" to allow your FieldLab Device to automatically detect when the valve cracks and reseats, ideal for scenarios where the events happen so quickly that the human eye cannot detect them; OR select "Manual Marking of Crack and Reseat", ideal for situations when the valve crack and reseat events are slower and can be detected by the technician on-site.
3. Number of crack tests
Define the number of crack tests that need to be performed on the pressure valve.
4. Acceptable crack range
Define the crack range using Simple Crack Range, Conditional Crack Range, or simply select the standards as specified in ASME BPVC VIII.1 UG-134(d)(1) or ASME BPVC VIII.1 UG-125(d)(3) preset modes.
5. Default Units
Select pressure engineering measurement units you wish to use for this test.
6. Include Seat Tightness Test
Check this option to include a seat tightness test once the crack tests are completed.
7. Custom Data Fields
Check to include custom data fields in your saved data set. You or the technician performing the test can fill in the fields later on the FieldLab once the test is complete.
For custom data fields to be visible and selectable, you must first create and save Custom Data Fields. Learn how:Create a custom data fields that can be included with any test mode.8. Summary
The summary explains the test settings in easy to understand terminology. It will automatically update each time you make a change to your custom test.